The instructions below show you how to redeem your voucher so that you can call international numbersIf you purchased a voucher to get another 30 days then these are NOT the instructions for you to use. Go back to your email and click the link again.

It's really important that you follow the instructions. Please don't just go ahead and start following them but then not following them to the end, because if you don't redeem the voucher properly as shown below you won't get a refund nor will you get a replacement voucher. You'll have to buy a brand new voucher.

We again repeat: if you do not follow these instructions exactly you won't get a refund or a new voucher.

Step 1 

Go to the Three UK top up website by clicking here.

Step 2

Enter your UK SIM Card phone number in this format 07XXXXXXXXX. Do not enter as 447 or +447.

Step 3

At the next screen:

Step 4

At the next screen:

Step 5

At the next screen select "Use our standard 10/10/5 rate (10p a minute, 10p a text, 5p a MB) and click "Continue". DO NOT SELECT "Choose an Add-on".

Step 6

At the next screen you should see a confirmation message.